Thursday, October 27, 2011


Why do we get angry?
well, I always wondered this...
so I did a little thinking, and found somethings out.
When I'm angry, I'm rash, uncomfortable, unkind, sick, maybe even a little nauseous, ugly, mean, jealous, bitter, and I'm pretty sure, I'm glaring like 99% of the time. And well that might not matter now, but in like 60 years it will be a problem... it'll give me wrinklies! :O
What do you gain from being angry?
I personally gain, a bad reputation, and a bad feeling.
Oh and did I mention, that after you are done being angry, you get a gift basket for free, filled with remorse, guilt, and embarrassment.
So I have decided not to be angry anymore.
How? by letting things go. I know that this is going to be a challenge for me, but I'm going to accept it, and deal with it. I even already have.
Once upon a time, me and this one girl didn't get a long, she would start rumors about herself, and blame them on me. She would always cry for attention, in the worse ways. And she wouldn't accept anyone's friendship, even if we were on our knees. Well I got a little upset at her, just a little seed, planted in my heart. Over the years. That seed began to grow, and the violence of it would show. The seed one day, grew into a nasty ugly flower, that had blossomed. That little angry, had grown to a flower of hatred, and anger. I tried cutting it out, but it wouldn't work. So what did I do to get rid of this terrible flower?
First, I desired it to be gone, forever that terrible feeling, I would have whenever she was around me. Second, I cryed, cryed and mourned of what I would have to go through. Third, I acted, I got on my knees, and I prayed with a heart full of desire, and love, and change. I so badly wanted that feeling to be gone! After weeks of this, I noticed that the feelings were fading, into a numb feeling. And the flower inside of me had begun to die. It was working, that magic tool was working. :D I would cry, and pray in relief that it was going... but I still prayed, and cried, for it to keep dying.
After a while, it was gone, the flower, the stem, and roots, were all gone. And all that was left was a little hole. For a while this hold wasn't filled, with nothing but numbing.
But now it is filled with a little seed, a little seed, of the greatest thing in the world.

Having Hope

Hope is sometimes the only thing we have left for us,
Hope is the light of my day, when it comes to night.
And I kneel and pray.
Hope, and faith.
Faith, is one of the components of a prayer.
Faith is the one that assures me that he's there.
Hope, Faith, and Joy.
Joy fills me to the brim,
when I know that he cares.
Hope, Faith, Joy, and Pain.
Without Pain I wouldn't know,
these things..
Hope let's me go through the pain.
Faith helps me get over the pain..
and Joy, Joy is what I feel, after the pain.
the satisfaction I get from that pain I once had.
That has now turned to Joy.
Is totally worth, the hard times, the bad and. The pain.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

how can we be better?

What does it mean to be better?
does it mean to be trying each and every day, but you're not giving it your all?
Or does it mean, trying each and every day, and you're giving it your all?
I think it's option number two.
Image yourself that you're at the person who did the most for yous, feet.
you're crying sobbing, and just wailing. because you got second place Exhaltation.
Next image yourself, at your savior's feet, crying, tears running down your face, and a smile is across your face. saying.... "I missed you."
Imagine if you can. That your in heaven, right in your Kolob, standing by your everlasting partner. Holding hands, hugging, kissing.
And you know that forever you will have this person. Because one day in your tiny little earth life. You and this person made a covenant with the God who will give you this amazing gift.

Do you want this dream, that can be yours, and mine realities... if we do our best.


Days, weeks, pass slowly.
as the time goes on my heart
begins to heal the
hole in my heart is filled now.
I found happiness here, now.


My mouth fills up with
saliva, and my nose starts
to run, while tears fill
me whole, this is a contrite
spirit ready to change now,


Cold Feelings take me
on a journey of sadness
wishing for warmth I
get on my knees while crying
begging, forgiveness met me.

"We Can Find Happiness"

I Ashley Rose
am finding my happiness.
Not through money, games, toys, or foes.
Come on take a guess how
I Ashley Rose
am finding my own happiness.
Not by being jealous, or angry or rude.
Come on guess now
I Ashley Rose
am finding my own happiness
by doing service.
You see it was proscribed to me by a comforter.
Someone who legitimately cares for me.
who will always be there, even when I'm crying, and I don't know how to say...
what I Mean, they will always understand, me.
I Ashley Rose
am finding my own happiness
by living the way I want to live,
by living up to what I'm meant to be
by doing what I need to do...
to help others on their way.
so that I can improve.
I can always change into who I want to be
Not what, someone else wants me to be.
I Ashley Tomkinson
am on the path to Happiness.