What does it mean to be better?
does it mean to be trying each and every day, but you're not giving it your all?
Or does it mean, trying each and every day, and you're giving it your all?
I think it's option number two.
Image yourself that you're at the person who did the most for yous, feet.
you're crying sobbing, and just wailing. because you got second place Exhaltation.
Next image yourself, at your savior's feet, crying, tears running down your face, and a smile is across your face. saying.... "I missed you."
Imagine if you can. That your in heaven, right in your Kolob, standing by your everlasting partner. Holding hands, hugging, kissing.
And you know that forever you will have this person. Because one day in your tiny little earth life. You and this person made a covenant with the God who will give you this amazing gift.
Do you want this dream, that can be yours, and mine realities... if we do our best.
I love you Ashleybugg. You will always be my baby sister.