So family and friends this week we received our transfer calls... and I am staying here in the beautiful city of Moose Jaw, and my companion Sister Fellows will be leaving me. She will be going to International Falls Minnesota to join Sister Davis there. I however will be welcoming a brand new sister. I am TRAINING!!! Oh my goodness I am kind've super nervous, but excited... I don't even know how to describe how I am feeling right now... haha. All I know is that each transfer, each call is a call given by God. I am going to miss Sister Fellows deeply. I love her, and she is just so wonderful. She has been in the area now for 7 months. I am excited for her, and she will do great things in the good USA. I asked her to give an America tree a hug from Sister Tomkinson ;)
Anyway this week has been a crazy one, definitely jam packed with service, from painting somebody's house, to pulling weeds. It has been tons of fun! This past Friday, or was it Saturday? anyway we had a ward campout that we were invited to. We weren't able to spend the night, but it was great to get to know the ward even better. There are a few sisters here, that I just love. And I am so blessed that I have the opportunity to get to know them :) The world is filled with great children of God. We are just so blessed by our Heavenly Father.
I loved this past transfer and I am looking forward to this upcoming transfer. I'm excited to work hard, and to see, feel the work progress. I am so blessed to be a missionary. I love the Holy Ghost, can I just say that? We literally cannot do anything without Him. I am so dependent on Him. And I need to always remember that. I love the gospel. I love the work, And I Love my family!
Hardika accepted to be baptized a few days ago. We are so happy for her, we don't have a date. But the work is progressing, and we're a part of it! I love you!
Love Sister Tomkinson
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