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Sharon's Farm |
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Welcome to the Hood |
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Creepy Parking Sign |
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We had general Conference which is always the best thing ever! And we had the chance to go tot he temple with Kim! What a huge blessing from the Lord!
I loved how it was mentioned in conference obedience is good, but truly it is by grace we are saved. I think about how much I don't seem to 'make it up to par', but that's not the point of this life. We aren't meant to beat ourselves down into meaningless pulp. But rather we are suppose to turn to our Savior, and He will help us reach out fullest potential. There was a quote I can't remember who said it but, it said.. "Average is the enemy of excellence" That really hit me. I can't just do 'good enough" but I want to do my very best all the time! To truly consecrate myself! And it's hard, but I know that it will be so worth it!
I had the change to attempt to donate blood, but you need to have a 125 Iron reading level, and mine was 123. So lose, but yet so far. My companion about fainted while donating ha ha. Poor thing I felt bad for her. She got pretty sick,and was weak for about a hour. It was crazy. Just future reference don't do a liquid cleanse, eat half a sandwich and go donate blood. It doesn't work. :) Anyway I got to drive the car all by myself.. with permission from our mission president. It was the weirdest thing in the world! I mean I don't have P.T.S.D., but man I was weirded out. sang some hymns.. I haven't been alone in over a year!!!! It was crazy! :)
KIM!!!! It is wonderful to see her progress, and her faith. She is unfaltering, and so strong! She loved General conference, and she loved the temple! She is now interested in receiving a patriarchal blessing. What a miracle it is to be a part of someone's life like this. I love the being a missionary. And literally being in the front seat of someone's life changing as they are accepting our Savior Jesus Christ more,and more. I am so grateful to be here! I love it!
Sister Smith and I now are really wanting to find, and to find those who are prepared The Lord is so good to us! Kingdom builders, I constantly want to be one, and strive to be an even better and more faithful one! Especially for the temples! Very pleased with the announcement of 3 more temples! I pray that the progress of the Winnipeg temple will continue quickly. We don't have a lot of time, and we must get it going. I mean think of all those we need the temple, not just the living, but the dead, and those who are coming to the earth.
I am so grateful for the Plan of Salvation. It was all over General Conference. I thought it was neat how last conference at least to me, was all about the Restoration, and this time it was about the Plan of Happiness. I am amazed at the inspiration, and revelation we can receive as we serve the Lord!
Sister Smith and I now are really wanting to find, and to find those who are prepared The Lord is so good to us! Kingdom builders, I constantly want to be one, and strive to be an even better and more faithful one! Especially for the temples! Very pleased with the announcement of 3 more temples! I pray that the progress of the Winnipeg temple will continue quickly. We don't have a lot of time, and we must get it going. I mean think of all those we need the temple, not just the living, but the dead, and those who are coming to the earth.
I am so grateful for the Plan of Salvation. It was all over General Conference. I thought it was neat how last conference at least to me, was all about the Restoration, and this time it was about the Plan of Happiness. I am amazed at the inspiration, and revelation we can receive as we serve the Lord!
Some of mine was just to keep going! And not being afraid to improve. Troy (my brother) gave me some great advice a few months ago, about how I am not suppose to be afraid of our potential.. And that advice has kept coming to my mind a lot. With that said, General Conference gives me the strength, and helps me build my faith in doing so!
Scriptures I was reminded of while watching General Conference.
D&C 121 especially the last 20 or so verses. Mosiah 2 2 Nephi 2 John 15 I wish I had my notebook with me, and I would write the other ones down. But I am so grateful for our modern day prophet. I know that he is a man called of God. Things I am working on... faith, and humility.. hello always need help with that last one. I know though that we can't do this work on our own, I know that I am weak, but the Lord can do all things.
I am so grateful to be here on my mission,and to serve the lovely people of Canada! What a blessing! :O I love the Lord!
Oh and service, I totally need to get back on that court again! ;)
Thank you all so much for your love, your prayers, and most definitely your support. I would be terribly difficult if I didn't have all of you to help me! And most importantly if we didn't have the Lord. He loves you, and He knows us all. Hope that you have a great day! And a great week! Thank you again for all that you do!
Please let me know how I can help you!
Love Sister Tomkinson
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