Sunset ward made me a cake for my birthday! I love them!
This week was so good! So crazy busy, but sooo good!
We were able to teach so many members, those that aren't very active in church! They are starting to progress, and wanting to make good changes in their lives!
I am so amazed at the strength that our Savior can give us. Not only in the lives of others have I seen this impact recently, but in my own life. He can give us the strength we need to resist, and avoid temptation!
I am really excited for this next week too! With football season starting up, the city of Regina goes absolutely CRAZY during these games.. :) it's so much fun!

Sis. A. taking this great picture!
We also had a great time this week street contacting. We ran into two less actives that were baptized out on a reserve when they were young. We are excited to start teaching them a lot too! Here in Regina we work mostly with the First Nations people, they are wonderful, kind and friendly. It is extremely hard for them to follow through with their commitments, and for them to stay faithful. It is crazy to see the prophecies in the Book of Mormon come true though. They are the best, they also make really good bannock, it's a denser fry bread. So good!
I have been thinking this morning during studies... what a privilege it is to serve a mission! I am so glad to be serving mine. To think that I get to do this for a while longer makes me so EXCITED! I am so glad to be here, and I am pumped for this next transfer! Sister A. and I are wanting to be be Spiritual powerhouses, and we want to Spirit to be involved in everything we do! I am so grateful for the prayers, and support that you all give to me, and the Lord's work!
You are amazing! Hope that you all have a great week!
Thank you again for all that you do. I want you to know that I love you, I love our Savior Jesus Christ. He lives, and wants us to follow Him. He is kind, and always there for us.
While studying about the Plan of Salvation I came across this scripture again..
2 Corinthians 5:7
"For we walk by faith, not sight."
How simple is that? As we rely on the Holy Ghost He will always lead us to where we need to be going. We are God's children and He loves us, and knows us individually. I echo the testimony of so many when I say.. I know that my Redeemer lives. He love me, and He loves all of you!
Love, Sister Tomkinson
So I have this fear of cats, they are out to get me!
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