So we did so much Service! it was so good! It feels like I have taken a fresh breath of air! I love this gospel so much BTW! Did you know that? Well you do now! I love our Savior Jesus Christ so much, He and our Father in Heaven are so good to us!
So we were in the area where the temple was so we pulled over real quick and took a quick selfie... these are from Sister A.'s camera my battery was dead, so I will be taking more pictures this week.:) I love the temple! It's so beautiful! Sister A. was like." It's so small!".. "I've never been able to see Angel Moroni up so close!" And that is a very true statement, you can see him in great detail. I am amazed at the handy craft that goes into making those small pieces of heaven that scatter the earth. We will actually be going so that is going to be the best!

Did you know that every tree planted in SK was hand planted? Yes every single one. Haha they don't grow naturally. It reminds me of the talk by Pres. Uchtdorf when he mentions "The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now." That's not word for word. But that is a very powerful statement. :)
The plate of food.. you may be asking what is that..? I see rice, and salad.. but what is that in the corner.. well... first this is Sister A.'s plate and the lovely family was very generous in her helping. :D Let's just say she didn't end up liking what was in the right corner. :) Ha ha, but I loved it!
Some background on the photo, we have a family in our building and they are from a small island from off the coast of Madagascar they invited us for supper last night. :) We get there, and they talk with us, and we share a lesson. I am looking so much to teaching this lovely family. :) I love the work so much!

I love you so much! I am so grateful that you're my family, and friends. And I am so grateful for your support. I love you, and I am so blessed to be on my mission. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost too. And I am serving in the best two wards in Regina! I love the members here, and those I come in contact with! I am so blessed here on my mission!
Love Sister Tomkinson!