This past week was amazing! We were able to see so many miracles, we found another two new investigators which is amazing, because we were able to rely on the Lord to guide us to more people to teach!
We also stopped teaching the G. family though. They weren't willing to pray, and read about the Book of Mormon. They won't come to know of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ if they don't read, and pray with real intent, a willing heart, and a sincere desire.
This week in my personal study I was reading one of chapters from the Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith.. he talked about receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost. There is a difference. He continues to say something along the lines that many people are baptized, having the laying on of hands for receiving of the gift of the Holy Ghost. Then there is actually receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. If you have not received this gift, You are missing out. The guidance and comfort that comes from this precious gift of our Heavenly Father. He loves us, and too often do we ignore the Holy Ghost and the gentle promptings He gives us. He testifies of Jesus Christ, and of our Beloved Heavenly Father.

Also, I am really grateful for my ward Mission Leader in L. ward. His wife Sister M. is one of the strongest women I know. She is a kind, and gentle spirit. And I love the Filipino culture! She came to a lesson with Kim this week. We talked of fast offerings, and tithing. She shared an experience from her mission while she served in the Philippines. There was a woman she taught, her husband was murdered while they were pregnant with their 8th child. This woman's faith touched my heart here in Canada. She continued to attend church, she taught her children the importance of paying tithing.. She literally had no other option but to pay tithing. She was able to budget, and survive with the smallest of wages. As her children grew they are now attending university on scholarship and they are having successful lives. They love their mother, and the Lord so very much!
I am amazed at the love, and the culture of the M. family. I am amazed at their generosity, sincerity and kindness. They are struggling with some personal things, but they are relying the Lord to help them overcome their weaknesses. When her and her husband were first married they were married for a month, when Brother M. was sent to Saudi Arabia to work there for two years... they only could talk on the phone occasionally when they could receive a signal. He then came back home, and they had last a baby when he was gone. They had their son and he left when he was three months old. And came back when he was 2 1/2.
They struggled so hard, and he wants to help his family be supported. They fasted,and prayed that he would not have to go back to Saudi Arabia for work. That's when he moved to Canada, next he brought his family over from the Philippines. It was then he met his daughter. He was so happy. And he is so grateful that his family is eternal.

They had to put their faith,and are still continuing to do so. Putting their faith to the test. After the trials of our faith is when we obtain our rewards. They are so kind. So wonderful. I am amazed to them! I am always reminded of a talk that Sister Dabb shared with a few of us young women. She said to live life like a Filipino. They are true disciples of Christ. I love that! I love her! And I hope to have that kind of faith someday. To just trust. Nothing faltering!
I love you!
Thank you so much for your wonderful help in so much that I do. Thank you for your kindness and your prayers. You are so AMAZING!
Love you!
Love your Sister Tomkinson
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