This week has been soooo crazy! I am so excited to be here on my mission!
So, why has it been so crazy! Well.. I will tell you...
First it was transfer week, so I AM TRAINING!!! What the..? .. Again???
Yes, yes.. again.
Anyway, and soo... my companion Sister Smith is home now. :( But I am so happy for her. She is so hard working, and diligent. Hopefully for those in the Orem, and Provo area you can meet up with her. She is pretty great! I am definitely going to miss her. And with so many missionaries leaving our mission now, our missionary quota of Elders, and Sisters Sits at 81 Elders, and 19 Sisters. So.. our mission just keeps shrinking. Luckily we have no Sisters going home this next transfer :) And a Sister coming in! So we'll grow. ... then the next transfer is in July... I'm not exactly sure who goes home in July.. ;) One of my dearest companions, and friends also went home Sister Davis. She is pretty great too!
Also this week we moved at the end of the month... right when transfers were! AHHH! So crazy! BLESSING! Because we were having transfers though, I had a Sister from Moose Jaw, and Saskatoon come down to Regina to be with me, while we all waited for our new companions to join us from Winnipeg!
And so we passed our inspection.. at our new place we replaced Elders.... dun, dun, dun!!!!!!!

#whatisthat? shouldneverbeaskedwhilemovinga couch
Then finally transfers arrived! YEAH!! And I met my new companion in person. I "met" her at the transfer meeting via SKYPE on Thursday, but met her on Friday! It is so much fun to be with a "Greenie" I am going complete verse from last companion to this companion. Her name is Sister Alder, she is from Pleasant Grove Utah. She is really excited about the work, and can hardly wait to get going everyday! She is pretty great at Basketball too! And enjoys all sorts of sports. I love her! She is 19.. about 1 1/2 years younger than I am. It's crazy how fast time is going! She was born in 1996, and is on a mission? What the?? The babes are going on missions!
Many miracles are lining up, you can just feel the spirit in the air! Earlier this week we were able to attend a funeral of a beloved member here in Regina. Sister Smith sang, and I signed. I am amazed at the peace you can feel at a funeral. Talks were given, and I felt the spirit almost radiant off the pulpit as a sister shared a verse from Alma 42. The Book of Mormon is true, everytime I use it, I study it, and I think about it. My heart cannot deny it's truthfulness, because the Spirit tells me it is true.
Missions are the best things ever!! I love them so much!
Kim is doing wonderfully! She is such a powerhouse I love her! She is praying. and reading. She is also wanting to get her patriarchal blessing... she is one of my closest friends. And I wouldn't have met her if I hadn't had come on a mission, if she hadn't been prepared by the Lord, and if members had been afraid to share the gospel. All those involved, and many others that we don't even know about have been influenced by those who open their mouths.

I am learning so much every single day, and I am so blessed to have such amazing support, and love from those back home! I am amazed at your diligence, and dedication to the Lord. And for your heart felt prayers for me.
I want to share something with you all. I am very blessed to be a missionary, and to have my mom often times help me in my lessons. I have felt her near as I have shared my testimony, and helped others come unto Christ. The Holy Ghost has guided me, and encouraged me to push a little harder, and to teach a little better everyday. And I know that it is by prayer! Thank you so much for all that you do! I love you!
Love, Sister Tomkinson!!
oh, P.S. I will see some of you on mother's day!!!
Picture a Canadian treat!!! slurpee, with ice cream!! so bad, but soo soo good!
And my new companion!!!! Sister Alder!
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