Graffiti here in Regina!!!
This week was amazing! We received a referral from our ward mission leader here in the L. ward, and it was for a family! We headed over there, and when we arrived they were ready to receive our message! J, M, H, J, P, and baby.. who I am still not sure what her name is. They have only referenced to her as; baby. even when I asked, so I guess that's her name. :)
It was amazing to teach them about the gospel that I love! Sister Alder is working and improving her teaching skills. When we evaluate our lessons, and our practices I always try and encourage her to talk more. I leave pauses, and give her questions to bounce off of. She will continue to grow, and learn in her teaching skills. She has already grown a ton.
When we practice in companion study, in training she grows tired, and bored of it a lot. So we are now practicing as "minion" from a animated movie. This sometimes add some reality to the conversation, and gives us somewhere to look. We also will do practices where I will demonstrate, she'll practice, then we'll practice together. That's what we usually do. My teaching skills have improved since I've been practicing more, and hers have too. When they say practice it honestly helps a ton!
We are teaching tons, and we are teaching more members the lessons from Preach My Gospel chapter 3. Then before, because it is a great way to practice the other lessons too.
When we practice in companion study, in training she grows tired, and bored of it a lot. So we are now practicing as "minion" from a animated movie. This sometimes add some reality to the conversation, and gives us somewhere to look. We also will do practices where I will demonstrate, she'll practice, then we'll practice together. That's what we usually do. My teaching skills have improved since I've been practicing more, and hers have too. When they say practice it honestly helps a ton!
We are teaching tons, and we are teaching more members the lessons from Preach My Gospel chapter 3. Then before, because it is a great way to practice the other lessons too.
How we've improved we went from teaching 11 less active lessons last week to teaching 15. And we were able to have 4 other lessons. We want to be teaching more, and more though. We also are wanting to find a new investigator everyday! We make plans to find everyday. Instead of loading up our day full of less active members, we want to find, teach, and baptize those who are prepared.
My faith grew a lot this week; in trusting God, and that He always provides a way. And can perform miracles. AKA the Atonement. :) Yesterday I gave a talk on "Mothers" It was a tender mercy from the Lord to do so.

Sister A. and I are doing great things here in the Lord's Kingdom,and we are so excited to be teaching! We are wanting to teach and find more people! I just hope to have and to continue to develop stronger faith. Faith in the Lord, and His miracles. Also in humility, because I cannot do this alone. The fact that I've grown so much in the last 16 months is crazy! I am so grateful for the Lord, and that He is always there for me, whenever I need Him
One of my most favorite scriptures is.. Doctrine and Covenants 88:84. :)
Love you!
It was amazing to see so many of you yesterday for Mother's Day. Thank you for all of your love, and support. I am so grateful for you, and the love you have for me, and the Lord. This work is true, Our Savior Jesus Christ loves you so much!
In our apt. with our Moo- moos. A less active member was like.. do you want these African dresses, I never wear them?.. We were like.. We will make the sacrifice and wear these beautiful things to bed.. :) #Adventureofamissionary
Love, Sister Tomkinson
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