Monday, February 23, 2015

Carry the Kettle & I am a Child of God

My mission has blessed my life so much! Can I just say that? 

I am so grateful to be here to met the people here, and to have such a great support system back at home. I love you all so much, and I am amazed at how much the Savior can help us when we turn to Him. 

I love Him, He is so good to us. 

This week has been another exciting week! I was able to go out to Moose Jaw for exchanges, it is super neat to see how much the area has grown in the past 8 weeks. The Lord truly knows when and where to place us where we can help the area grow, and where we can grow the best! 

And I was able to go to the temple again! And see so many miracles! And I so grateful for prayer. My testimony has grown immense this week. The feelings of peace that the Lord can give us, can never be replaced. I don't want anything else. Just His love. I mean I am really grateful for your love too, we all play a part in the Plan of Salvation.. 

Hopefully you are all having such a great week too! And I am so grateful for the Plan of Salvation too! We have a member he is nine years old. He has brain cancer, his name is Marcus, he is adorable. We went and sang a few hymns to him, and his family at the hospital. They were really uplifted. And the whole floor there were really appreciative to the hymns we sang. We actually had a few people stand outside the door as we sang. "I Am a Child of God." I love that hymn. I love a lot of them actually.. ha ha. His grandparents live on a Reserve out in Carry the Kettle. They're amazing! They found out Marcus has a tumor on his spine as well. 

Also we went to the temple again! Since so many people come in from great distances they have the missionaries come in for Priesthood purposes, then the Sisters are also invited. :) My companion's recent convert from Winnipeg came for her first time! So that was a huge blessing to go out with her. The temple is where we can feel the Lord's love for us. I read some scriptures while waiting there.. and it says that the weary traveler shall go there... how true that is. You need strength go to the temple! You need the Lord's guidance go to the temple! The Lord put them on earth for our benefit! Let us all prepare to go to the temple! 

I am amazed at the sacrifices that these people make, from poor families giving all they can to feed the missionaries. I can hardly express my gratitude I have for the families here. That 'feed' us. And what a privilege it is to in return "feed" them. I love them so much. And some people travel miles, and miles to attend the temple. I love you all so much! And I am grateful for Eternal families, and that we can be together forever through Heavenly Father's plan!

Love, Sister Tomkinson 

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